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Current Studies

Current Study Descriptions, updated as of January 2019

Deteriorators Studies

Deteriorators Qualitative Study

We are conducting a study about the effects of concussion and are looking for participants. The study involves two sessions that last approximately two hours each; each session will involve completing tests of thinking, including some computerized tasks while brain activity is measured by an EEG. The first session must be within three weeks after you have a concussion and the second session will be approximately one year later. You will be paid $50 for each session, $100 total for both sessions.

Deteriorators Attribution Study

We are seeking participants for a study examining the effects of a dietary decision training on weight and brain activity. We are seeking overweight and obese individuals to complete an intervention that may aid in managing dominant responses to eat high-calorie foods, have their brain activity measured, and record their food intake. Participants must be between the ages of 18 and 45 years old, be willing to complete a 10-minute mobile task four times per week for one month, and have no psychiatric or neurologic history. Participants will complete three 60-90 minute lab sessions in addition to the trainings and receive financial compensation of up to $100 for participating in the study and the chance to win an iPad.

Deteriorators Prediction Study

When Deteriorators Think They Improved

Deteriorators and Thoughts of Suicide

Comparing Deterioration Rates Between Graduate and Undergraduate Students

Does Perfectionism Influence Client Outcome?

Do BYU Students Endorsing Concerns about Sexual Orientation Have Different Deterioration Rates than Other Students?

Deliberate Practice Studies

Deliberate Practice Participant Interviews (1 & 2)

Deliberate Practice Study

Other Studies

OQ Validation Study

Rapid Responders and Therapist Effects

Outcome of Trauma Clients

Common Factors Paper

Caseload Paper


Attitudes Towards Sexual Assault